Proprietary statement
The website is Mr Claude Lemand’s sole property.
The company’s SIRET number is 34917750100013.
The overall structure, as well as the softwares, texts, animated or fixed images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics and all other components of the website are Mr Claude Lemand’s sole property.
Any complete or partial copying of this website, by whatever means, without the prior express authorisation by Mr Claude Lemand, is strictly prohibited and will be deemed an infringement of Mr Claude Lemand’s copyrights, as stipulated in articles L335-2 to L335-10 of the Code of Intellectual Property.
Any public or private website is authorised to create a hyperlink to the information contained in the website However, the content of the website may not be copied into or otherwise integrated to the content of another website.
Publication director
The publication director is Mr Claude Lemand.
Hosting and website development
The service provider in charge of the website’s direct and permanent storage is the company: [OVH-]
The service provider who has designed the website (graphic and technical design) is the creative workshop: [Arterrien-]
Translated from French by Valérie Hess.