Legal policy

Proprietary state­ment

The web­site is Mr Claude Lemand’s sole prop­erty.
The com­pany’s SIRET number is 34917750100013.

The overall struc­ture, as well as the soft­wares, texts, ani­mated or fixed images, sounds, know-how, draw­ings, graphics and all other com­po­nents of the web­site are Mr Claude Lemand’s sole prop­erty.

Any com­plete or par­tial copying of this web­site, by what­ever means, without the prior express autho­ri­sa­tion by Mr Claude Lemand, is strictly pro­hib­ited and will be deemed an infringe­ment of Mr Claude Lemand’s copy­rights, as stip­u­lated in arti­cles L335-2 to L335-10 of the Code of Intellectual Property.

Any public or pri­vate web­site is autho­rised to create a hyper­link to the infor­ma­tion con­tained in the web­site However, the con­tent of the web­site may not be copied into or other­wise inte­grated to the con­tent of another web­site.

Publication director
The pub­li­ca­tion director is Mr Claude Lemand.

Hosting and web­site devel­op­ment
The ser­vice provider in charge of the web­site’s direct and per­ma­nent storage is the com­pany: [OVH-]
The ser­vice provider who has designed the web­site (graphic and tech­nical design) is the cre­ative work­shop: [Arterrien-http://www.arter­]

Translated from French by Valérie Hess.

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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