The Gallery

The Galerie Claude Lemand was founded in 1988 with an inter­na­tional open-mind on artists coming from all around the world, from dif­ferent geo­graphic, cul­tural and aes­thetic back­grounds, who chose Paris as their cap­ital of life, cre­ation and inter­na­tional flour­ishing suc­cess, whether it be tem­po­rary or per­ma­nent.

The gallery is there­fore ded­i­cated to pro­mote those artists and to orga­nize solo and group exhi­bi­tions for them. It fur­ther ensures the orig­inal edi­tion of their sculp­tures and prints and it reg­u­larly pub­lishes exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logues as well as a sev­eral impor­tant mono­graphs.

Since its estab­lish­ment, the gallery got into the habit of orga­nizing a the­matic inter­na­tional exhi­bi­tion every year, where artists rep­re­sented by the gallery come together with other artists who have an inter­na­tional rep­u­ta­tion, such as the exhi­bi­tions of ‘Masters of the tondo’, ‘Painting & Poetry. Artists of the Book’, ‘From East to West’, …

Before opening his gallery, Claude Lemand was a uni­ver­sity pro­fessor until 1988. His pas­­sion for painting, sculp­­ture and artists’ books led him to drop every­thing in June 1988, in order to focus on building up a col­lec­­tion and founding a gallery in Paris.

Espace Claude Lemand
70 avenue Jean Moulin, 75014 Paris
Visits every day by appointment.
Tél. +336 73 77 05 89

Galerie & Espace

From 1989 onwards, Claude Lemand was one of the first gal­lerists to embark on pro­moting major Arab artists who had set­tled in the West, through the orga­ni­za­tion of exhi­bi­tions, the pur­chase of works, the edi­tion of bronze sculp­tures and the pub­li­ca­tion of impor­tant mono­graphs.

Claude Lemand is also a pub­lisher who has a pas­sion for poetry and orig­inal artist’s books. The inau­gu­ra­tion of his gallery took place in October 1988 in con­junc­tion with the pub­li­ca­tion of Marguerite Yourcenar’s `Le dernier amour du Prince Genghi’ in a beau­tiful book designed and illus­trated with etch­ings by Abdallah Benanteur, printed as a lim­ited edi­tion of only 33 copies. Since then, Claude Lemand has pub­lished the mono­graphs of Benanteur as well as that of Shafic Abboud. Furthermore, he orga­nized many exhi­bi­tions around the sub­ject of `Painting & Poetry. Artists of the Book’, which explore the rich­ness of orig­inal manuscript and illus­trated books.

In October 2008, on the 20th anniver­sary of his gallery, Claude Lemand opened a second gallery which is a space ded­i­cated for the impor­tant works of his artists to be dis­played and to the prepa­ra­tion of ret­ro­spec­tives or major exhi­bi­tions which he orga­nizes in France or in other coun­tries.

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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