A PASSION TO SHARE. The CLAUDE & FRANCE LEMAND DONATION of 1300 artworks to the Institut du monde arabe MUSEUM, Paris.

From 5 November 2018 to 10 March 2019 - Museum. Institut du monde arabe.

  • Dahmane, Claude and France Lemand.

    Portrait of Claude and France Lemand. © Dahmane.

In memory of my four grand-par­ents,
Who died of star­va­tion in Lebanon and in Syria in 1916 and 1917,
Leaving both of my par­ents orphans,
Like tens of thou­sands of other chil­dren.
The mas­sacre of inno­cent people con­tinues, gen­er­a­tion after gen­er­a­tion,
But our mis­sion is to bear wit­ness to the bright side of Humanity.

Claude Lemand


The Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris has unan­i­mously approved the Claude and France Lemand’s gen­erous dona­tion of 1,300 modern and con­tem­po­rary art­works.

In order to pursue its mis­sion of pro­moting modern and con­tem­po­rary Arab Artists, this unique dona­tion will require the sup­port of artists, col­lec­tors, foun­da­tions and other spon­sors to help ensure that mil­lions of future vis­i­tors of the IMA can con­tinue to dis­cover the modern and con­tem­po­rary Art from the Arab World.

We hope you are inter­ested in taking the oppor­tu­nity to donate in sup­port of the largest col­lec­tion in Europe and the West. Please do not hesi­tate to con­tact us.

Contact: cle­mand@o­r­ange.fr


Interview with Claude Lemand, by Valérie Didier Hess.
Published by AB Magazine, 29 October 2018.

Following the recent dona­tion by Claude and France Lemand of around 1,300 art­works by leading modern and con­tem­po­rary Arab artists to the Museum of the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, Valérie Didier Hess sat down with Claude Lemand to under­stand how this Lebanese French lin­guis­tics pro­fessor one day decided to open a gallery in Paris and to start col­lecting art, and why more than 30 years later, he and his wife France are donating a large por­tion of their unique col­lec­tion to a major French insti­tu­tion.

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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