SYRIA. Lights and Darkness. - Donation Claude & France Lemand.

From 8 to 29 December - Galerie Claude Lemand

  • ABDELKE, Saint John Chrysostom is buried in Damascus ...

    Saint Jean Chrysostome repose à Damas, dans la mosquée Al-Hasan du quartier Al-Maydân, 2013. Charcoal on paper, 150 x 200 cm. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Youssef Abdelke. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Takreti, Bundel 3.

    Bundel 3, 2017. Acrylic on canvas, 146 x 114 cm. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Khaled Takreti. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Bissane ALCHARIF, Pianola.

    Pianola, 2022-2023. Thirty autoportraits painted on paper, each 28 x 38 cm. Museum of the Institut du monde arabe, Paris. Donation Claude & France Lemand. © Bissane Al-Charif. Photo Antoine Aphesbero. Palais de Tokyo, Paris.

  • AZZA ABO REBIEH, Untitled.

    Untitled, 2023. Mixed media on canvas, 120 x 140 cm. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Azza Abo Rebieh. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

SYRIA. Lights and Darkness. - Donation Claude & France Lemand.

SYRIA. Lights and Darkness is the expres­sion of the love that all Syrian artists have for Syria their home­land, those from internal exile and those from external exile, who are now much more numerous. This exhi­bi­tion is a song of the pain of the land, of the cities and vil­lages and of the mar­tyred Syrian people, the song of resis­tance to despo­tism and des­tiny, the song of freedom and hope, of the renewal of artistic and cul­tural cre­ativity in exile and the announce­ment of a rebirth.

- ADONIS (Syria, 1930 - Lebanon-France)
- Simone FATTAL (Syria, 1942 - Lebanon-USA-France)
- Abdullah MURAD (Syria, 1944)
- Youssef ABDELKE (Syria, 1951 - France-Syria)
- Ziad DALLOUL (Syria, 1953 - France)
- Leila MURAYWID (Syria, 1956 - France)
- Nassouh ZAGHLOULEH (Syria, 1958 - France)
- Khaled TAKRETI (Lebanon, 1964 - Syria-France)
- Fadi YAZIGI (Syria, 1966)
- Boutros ALMAARI (Syria, 1968 - France-Germany)
- Kevork MOURAD (Syria, 1970 - Armenia-USA)
- Najah ALBUKAI (Syria, 1970 - France)
- Omran YOUNIS (Syria, 1971)
- Fares CACHOUX (Syria, 1976 - France)
- Bissane ALCHARIF (France, 1977 - Syria-France)
- Mohamad OMRAN (Syria, 1979 - France)
- Azza ABO REBIEH (Syria, 1980 - Lebanon)
- NAGHAM Hodeifa (Syria, 1981 - France)
- Randa MADDAH (Syria-Golan, 1983 - France)
- Khaled DAWWA (Syria, 1985 - France)
- Miryam HADDAD (Syria, 1991 - France)
- Anas ALBRAEHE (Syria, 1991 - Lebanon-France)

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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