From 3 December 2018 to 16 January 2019 - Espace Claude Lemand

  • Saikali, Le bruit de l’eau.

    Le bruit de l'eau, 2009. Oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm. Private Collection. © Nadia Saikali. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Saikali, Ferveur.

    Ferveur, 2005. Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm. Private Collection. © Nadia Saikali. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Saikali, Envol.

    Envol, 2002. Oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm. Private Collection. © Nadia Saikali. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Nadia Saikali, NADIA.

’ Lebanese born, I grew up in a mul­ti­cul­tural family. Beirut my home town, stands out on the Mediterranean’s shore as the Crossroad of three mediter­ranean con­ti­nents: The Europeen, The Eastern, The African. Trilingual, I am not only Mediterranean but also European as well as Atlantic, having two sons Alan and Christopher Thomas, from my first love and mar­riage to their Welsh father, a geo­phys­ical enge­neer resting for ever peace­fully in Cyprus.

Franco-lebanese, my per­sonal cul­tural space includes globaly all the French speaking coun­tries, the Arab speaking coun­tries as well as the English speaking coun­tries and var­ious com­mu­ni­ties. My very early inter­ests in life were Geography and Geology. Astrophysics fas­ci­nate me, as well as the evo­lu­tion of mankind. I believe in the pos­i­tive aspects of Science which do not stand up against the spir­i­tual and intu­itive aspects of humans, thus driving them to find more ways for more knowl­edge. I have been very lucky to dis­cover a lot about the Ancient Civilisations, vis­iting arche­o­log­ical sites in the East, while studying about the sub­ject in History of Art books. Mythology appearing to me as part of Human Poetry.

In 1979, while the war went on in Lebanon, I moved to "The Bateau Lavoir" with my second hus­band Henri Gaboriaud grad­u­ated in inte­rior dec­o­ra­tion. A fresh new start in my life and works: sev­eral crayon studies, coloured inks and oils. This was fol­lowed up, and devel­oped through dif­ferent periods: "Geodermies" (geology-epi­dermic earth crust) "Archeodermies" (ref­er­ence to Archeology) "Empreintes- Autoportraits" (intro­spec­tion- Happening on canvas) "Empreintes- Eclatées" (poly­chrome spaces- Fall of Berlin’s Wall)

In 2000, "Espaces Intemporels" (Timeless Spaces of Peace). Too many people the­o­rize and politi­cize about one’s choice of colours in painting. This is not what I put for­ward in my works. After having focused my atten­tion on the four ele­ments men­tioned in the Genesis: Earth- Fire- Water- Air, I now feel like expressing freely my joy to be alive and at peace.

My main inter­ests are the pos­i­tive achieve­ments of human kind, knowing that every­thing is related, that death is a proven cer­ti­tude and that human wisdom has not yet been reached on Earth. Therefore I can claim out loudly that "Time for Peace has Come Now".’

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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