Steve SABELLA, Everland. Life has a chance.

Du 22 au 27 mars 2020 - Espace Claude Lemand

  • SABELLA, Everland 1.

    Everland 1, 2020. Collage of different Palestinian embroideries. Lambda print, mounted on matt diasec. Museum edition of 6 + 2AP, 80 x 80 cm. Collector edition, 50 x 50 cm. © Steve Sabella. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.


As long as there is one person left who ima­gi­nes a better world, life has a chance. There is more than one person ! There are many, all wai­ting for their ideas and dreams to be weaved toge­ther by cosmic light. The seeds are all out there loo­king for the right ground to flou­rish. And they can with the blink of an eye.

In my jour­neys on the roads of Palestine, I took images of Palestinian Embroidery stit­ched by old hands. Everland cele­bra­tes all the beauty that comes out of Palestine or every other culture. To be born in Jerusalem or anyw­here else, always means you are beco­ming a citi­zen of planet Earth. We are all from eve­ryw­here and now­here. Poetically, we are all from elsew­here ! And that now­here is the ever­land we are all sear­ching for. Getting there is an extra­or­di­nary jour­ney of end­less dis­co­very.

Every time ever­land will be on dis­play, the squa­res will be put in a dif­fe­rent cons­tel­la­tion, inclu­ding their orien­ta­tion to any side. This way, ever­land will always have end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties, crea­ting a new visual, fore­ver chan­ging. And now how we put the earth-pieces toge­ther, I leave it to our col­lec­tive ima­gi­na­tion.

See the full series of nine art­works https://ste­ve­sa­­land/

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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