As long as there is one person left who imagines a better world, life has a chance. There is more than one person ! There are many, all waiting for their ideas and dreams to be weaved together by cosmic light. The seeds are all out there looking for the right ground to flourish. And they can with the blink of an eye.
In my journeys on the roads of Palestine, I took images of Palestinian Embroidery stitched by old hands. Everland celebrates all the beauty that comes out of Palestine or every other culture. To be born in Jerusalem or anywhere else, always means you are becoming a citizen of planet Earth. We are all from everywhere and nowhere. Poetically, we are all from elsewhere ! And that nowhere is the everland we are all searching for. Getting there is an extraordinary journey of endless discovery.
Every time everland will be on display, the squares will be put in a different constellation, including their orientation to any side. This way, everland will always have endless possibilities, creating a new visual, forever changing. And now how we put the earth-pieces together, I leave it to our collective imagination.
See the full series of nine artworks https://stevesabella.com/everland/